I have two designs for midi controllers that I’m working on, a trigger pad, and something top-secret for a friend of mine. Both are using Atmegas and some SIPO shift registers.
Right now they are sitting in acrylic, but I’m looking at various options for cases, aluminium.
Playing with some face detection code i noticed they had ported their library to javascript.
I thought the red boxes around the faces was a little boring.
Some of my favorites.
Check it out live at
So I got one of these Cheap Chinese HID RGB LEDs the other day. The include software only interfaced with Outlook, sigh. Oh well, lets start poking around.
I found that the drive is for an HID (Human Interface Device) device so I opened python and grabbed pywinusb, which includes a HID helper class.
So again looking at the driver, I found that the vendor-id was 0x1294. This number 4278190081 for the report… I don’t remember how I found it…
But after finding out those two values I started throwing bits at it. I sent 0x0001 and to my surprise, the envlope started glowing green. There are 8 settings, and the mapping is as follows:
Bam… Disco Party In My Room
import time,random import pywinusb.hid as hid def get_device(): all_devices = hid.HidDeviceFilter(vendor_id = 0x1294).get_devices() if len(all_devices)==0: print "Can't find target device" else: return all_devices[0] return null def set_color(device,color): for report in device.find_output_reports(): if 4278190081 in report: report[4278190081] = [color,0,0,0,0] report.send() if __name__ == '__main__': try: d = get_device() set_color(d,0) color = 0 while True: nucolor = color # windows has a bad random, while color is nucolor: # i saw a ten streak of 6's nucolor = random.randint(1, 7) # so this forces it to change color = nucolor print color set_color(d,color) time.sleep(1) finally: d.close() exit()
Ok, Lets now grab my Reddit Inbox.
I quickly found the reddit_api python module, now called PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper), but it didn’t quite do what I wanted. [*Disclaimer: This might not be true with newer versions of PRAW]
So I forked it.
My changes include a direct way to access reddits unread message end-point.
With that in hand, we can build a script to check our unread messages.
#configure your details here user = "" #reddit username password = "" #reddit password delay = 60*5 #delay in seconds between checking mail #dont you dare look down past here!!! import time import pywinusb.hid as hid import reddit def get_device(): all_devices = hid.HidDeviceFilter(vendor_id = 0x1294).get_devices() if len(all_devices)==0: print "Can't find target device" else: return all_devices[0] return null def set_color(device,color): for report in device.find_output_reports(): if 4278190081 in report: report[4278190081] = [color,0,0,0,0] report.send() if __name__ == '__main__': try: d = get_device() set_color(d,0) r = reddit.Reddit(user_agent="redmail") r.login(user=user,password=password) inbox = r.get_inbox() while True: new = inbox.get_new_messages(force=True) if len(new) > 0: set_color(d,2) else: set_color(d,0) time.sleep(delay) finally: d.close() exit()
And done, Reddit orangered’s on my desk.
The Github project:
Balls & Walls
*I also made a version of faces.html with a unicode smiley “☻” to test performance against the smiley.png but atlas the major hog is CSS rotation. In the plain balls-and-walls.html demo we only move the element around the screen, and can completely ignore rotation due to the solid colors of the balls.
Playing a lot of sports growing up I took a lot of hits. Thinking about it last year playing rugby, I wish I had something that could measure the force of hits, and a few other body vitals (temp, sweat, etc..).
Having just receive an arduino I started hooking up sensors and leds. I deiced to mount them in a hockey helmet.
This early prototype measured force with FSR’s inside the helmet, an accelerometer on the top, and temperature sensor.
This was a quick hack of a live wallpaper. My Droid 2 doesn’t have a Gyro so it makes it’s calculations based off the accelerometer. If i get the time I will look at supporting the gyro.
This is also my first app (slash) software to be pirated. I guess that’s cool.
Check out a demo.
William please add info on Watson Live Wallpaper.
Redwall before it had a name, it started as a project with some pretty strange requirements. I wanted to build something on android with social-esque features, but I didn’t want to pay for lots of servers to handle massive amounts traffic. In fact, I didn’t want to spend any money or time after I built it. I wanted it to just work.
There are a few options for handling accounts. You could go with Facebook, Twitter, GitHub even. But one other website really got me thinking, Reddit. Reddit has a json (and xml) api that’s fairly straight forward and easy to use. Reddis api provides a mechanism for submitting, rating, and moderating content.
I came up with the idea of using Reddit and to build a social wallpaper app. Complete with Archives, Rating, Comments, and Moderation. There are a lot of features missing, but for this project/experiment it didn’t really matter. I was satisfied with what I could achieve with Reddit’s free api.
All of the social features come from the reddit api. All the content in the app is feed via r/redwall. In more detail, it only lists links from r/redwall.
There is no registration required to browse the wallpaper selection from the app (or even r/redwall for that matter,) which allows new users, the kind that just want to consume from the community a direct pass to the wallpapers. On the other hand, users must have a reddit account to submit to the gallery. And you can only submit from the Reddit, not from the app. But I don’t care. It works pretty well (their are definitely spots of code I need to update. Downloading in background, size filters, etc…). The source code is available on Github if you are interested in helping.
Best of all is I don’t pay a dime for the features that Reddit provides.
Redwall on Github:
Redwall on Play:
Redwall Pro on Play:
William please add info on A SkiFree Clone.